Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Challenge! Wedding Music

We here at Mixologists often prefer to keep you out of the loop in our personal lives, choosing instead to mock and/or throw feces at you while telling you how much you don't know about music. Well, it's time for a new Challenge!... and this time, it's personal.

Because, you see, I will be getting married in June to the loveliest young lass in all the world. But more importantly, I'll be at the epicenter of a dance party with over 100 people who are older and less hip than myself and my mate. And frankly, I need your help. I need you to make sure my wedding music does not suck.

Sure, we all know the classics: "Louie Louie", "The Twist", "Electric Slide", "The Chicken Dance", "Lady in Red". Let's face it: those songs all suck. And the only reason they still get played at weddings is because they were played at your aunt's wedding, or your cousin's wedding, or little Johnny No-Taste from down the street's wedding. This is the year 2006, and I would like to boldly state that Hall & Oates is no longer acceptable wedding fare.

So, my Challenge! to you is to put together a mix of wedding music. Avoid the standard stuff, but keep it respectable. By now you know the rules:
  • Mixes cannot exceed the standard length of a CD - 80 minutes.
  • Mixes must be submitted via email:
  • There is no limit on the number of mixes that can be submitted by one person.
The deadline for submission is April 28, 2006. We will begin posting mixes on the 28th, but will not accept submissions after that (hence the word "deadline").

(Okay, maybe the Chicken Dance can stay...)


Blogger The Full Moyer said...

You're DJing your own wedding? What a concept! Too bad I've already decided to throw my money away on a DJ. Dammit, I could have had full control AND an iPod.

(Oh yeah, I don't have an iPod, or any portable mp3 player. You may now shun me.)

April 20, 2006 2:47 PM  

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